Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wynncore Vs Cosmo - Day 5

The last day of a Vegas trip is always bitter sweet. Sweet because you're so tired, you just want to rest. Bitter because you're still in Vegas and you still have to make the most of it so GO GO GO!

It's our last day at Cosmo and I still have that $50RC to use, and I need to use it before I checkout at 11AM, makes sense (I called just to confirm).

Before this trip I've never heard of the breakfast spot Eggslut, but they just opened one there at the beginning of the month, I came across this as I was researching for my trip. Okay, that seems like a good of a place as any for breakfast.

So we get there, okay, line up of only one or two people, not bad, this gives us time to look at the menu and decide what we want to order. $6 for a coffee? Are you friggin kidding me? Listen, if I am to pay $6 for a coffee, i'm going to Starbucks! At least that way I can walk around with their cup and people will know what I am drinking!

Eggslut. That's a very awkward word to say. Even after all this time, I still find it very awkward to say those two words together. (I wonder when Webster is gonna put that word into their dictionary). So needless to say, as I was placing the order it was kind of awkward for me. She'll have the sausage, egg and cheese sandwich and I'll have the uh....egg.....slut.

I'm gonna be honest once again, I read their description, knew that it was their "signature" dish, but I still had no idea what it was when I ordered it. Marketing just told me that I need to try it, so I did.

That's what it looks like? WTF did I just order? When she gave me my order I thought she messed up. Okay, the instructions say to mix it in really well and eat. So I did. WTF is this shit? This is horrible. How can a slutty egg taste so bad? Bleh.

So I try her sandwich and she tries my eggslut. OMG, her sandwich is so much better! She says that my meal "is not that bad" and offers to switch. So we do. Err, i'd probably go back for the sandwich, but not for the Eggslut.

Right across from our breakfast spot is the Chandelier Lounge, we didn't make it out there at night to enjoy the atmosphere, but since it was right there, we went in to snap a couple of quick pics.

I'm not much of a photographer as you can probably already tell. But I was really struggling on where to stand to try and find a good angle. It just seems that wherever you stand the picture only comes out okay.

So breakfast only cost us about $25 with a $2 tip thrown in. So I still have about $25 to spend, off to Starbucks for some coffee! After Starbucks, I still had about $10 left so spend. Okay, i'll worry about how to spend their restaurant money later, first I gotta figure out how I want to spend their gambling money!

I haven't gambled that much, so I still haven't found a game that I really liked yet, or one that I deemed worthy enough to spend the FP I had. So we did some exploring. I tried some games here and there, nothing tickled my fancy. We each went our own separate ways for a little bit and eventually I got a text from her saying that I could find her at the fishing game.

I've always wanted to run through $100 in the high limit room on a JoB game. If i'm able to hit anything higher than a triple, i'd be happy! So I started heading towards the HL Room. This room looks pretty boring, none of the games seem fun, I don't want to spend my $100 here nor do I want to spend all of my FP here. But eventually I found a JoB game that I was willing slip that hundy into. Right behind my machine there was a cage, there are no chips involved here, so why do they have a cage? Maybe to cash out TITO's? Who knows. Seated a few seats down from me is a guy playing some variation of video poker and he was just talking the ear off of the poor lady who was forced to sit inside the cage, aside from us, there was no one else in the HL room.

So i'm playing through my $100 rather quickly, and I don't think I hit anything more than a couple of JoB hands, I look down and i'm already down to $18. Wait a minute, what's this red flashing light? OMG. Card Rear Error! I wasn't accumulating any identity points this whole time #DoubleFacePalm Okay, this isn't fun and i'm not collecting any points, time to cash out. So I hit the cash out button. Press. Press. Press. Nothing. It's not working. OMG. Just my luck! So I hit the service button and turned around to the cage and asked the lady if she could call someone over for me, she said she didn't have that kind of power and for me to just hit the service button and wait. So really, what is she there for?

As i'm waiting for the Slot Attendant to come on over and help me out, I see the guy who was sitting a few seats down from me walk over to a side table and help himself to a cookie. OMG. They have free cookies in the HL room? I never knew that. Mental note to self, grab one on the way out.

Finally the slot attendant arrives, I explain to her my situation. After seeing that I had $18 stuck in the machine, she gave me a very sympathetic look and said i'll just cash you out right here. And pulls out a form and $18 from the little fanny pack that she was carrying with her. You mean that's what's inside the fanny pack? Money? Interesting.

As she was cashing me out, her supervisor walked over, I guess when you're in the HL Room and you press a service button, you get both the attendant and the supervisor! She explained to him what was going on and said that she was just gonna cash me out right there, and he said yeah, go ahead.

I was so relieved that I was finally able to leave that I completely forgot to grab my $82 cookie on my way out.

So I go and find her still at the fishing game area, except that she moved to a game where it seems like it's a cheap knock off version of Wheel of Fortune...'cause in the bonus round you get to spin a wheel. The other night we saw a group having a lot of fun at that machine, so I guess she wanted to try it.

She tells me that she did okay on the machine and that there's quite a few bonus rounds so it's pretty fun. Alright! This machine looks like a good place to use my FP. But of course for whatever reason it keeps telling me that I don't have enough balance to transfer it over. So after several trips back to the Identity desk and eventually having a slot attendant walk me over to the machine to guide me through how to access my FP, I eventually get it to work. For the record, i'm pretty sure I knew how to access it, it's just that my FP kept getting "locked" to a machine for whatever reason, and they would always have to reset it. So I spent some of my FP on that machine that we kept trying, it was alright, hit the bonus rounds a few times, but no big or interesting wins. From there we just moved from various machines that looked like they had fun bonus games to play, and I would play a bit of my FP on that a little at a time. You know the funny thing is? I ended up blowing the rest of my FP on a boring Panda game. Why? It was a boring game but for some reason it was paying out money! We figured that was worth more than a fun bonus game, so we just kept going.

Once all the FP was done, I managed to covert the $250FP into $230, so that wasn't that bad. After all that was done we headed back up to the room to pack up our things. I still had about $10RC to spend, but the Starbucks was half way across the casino, I was too lazy to make the walk, so I said forget, they can just keep it.

At checkout everything went smooth, the only thing that I had to pay was the $2 tip I left at Eggslut. I didn't realize you couldn't tip with RC. Once we finished checking out we walked by their gift shop and a little eatery. OMG. This was just right downstairs, I could have spent the money there! Oh well.

Our flight wasn't till midnight, and we checked out at 11AM, so we still had plenty of time to kill. We dropped our bags off at the car, and as we were walking back inside right by the bank of elevators there was a huge Deal or No Deal Game. We were talking about this game earlier during our trip and this was the only one we came across, so we were obligated to sit down and play.

We each had a machine. For the life of me, I couldn't collect a single damn suitcase to get the bonus multiplier, so I didn't play it very long, but she had better "luck" with the machine. She made it to the negotiation stage twice and did fairly well, and after every other spin or so, she would win a suitcase and would be one step closer to the multiplier for the bonus round, but she was almost out of money, so she would deposit a few dollars at a time and every time she did that she would win a few more suitcases. It felt like a long con, eventually we got bored of being teased like that and left.

Our original lunch plan was to eat at Wolfgangs over by the Crystal Shops as I had managed to redeem some LP from MyVegas for a free entree. But I hadn't gotten Mlife to load it onto my card yet, so I could still refund it, which is exactly what I did because we missed out on Secret Pizza the other night so we were still in search of it.

We read on Yelp for some general directions and it wasn't hard to find. 3rd floor where all the restaurants are, don't walk too fast, otherwise you'll miss it!

We were more excited than anything about this place. Gotta give kudos to Cosmo for thinking of doing this, that was sheer marketing genius on their part!

We each ordered a slice. I ordered the one with mushrooms, she had the one with pepperoni on it. 

It didn't taste that bad, but it wasn't as great as people made it out to be in my opinion. Glad I can finally cross that one off my list. But hey, it's a slice of pizza, so yes, I would visit it again. As we were leaving we saw a couple of EDC guys come in to pick up their phone order of 6 whole pizzas. That must be a very large group! But where do they even find the number for this place?

C'mon a slice of pizza for each of us isn't going to fill us up, so where to next? Another thing on my check list, a crepe from Jean Philippe! I've always wanted to try one, but never got the chance to the last few times I was there. Luckily she likes deserts as well and was up for the idea!

So we headed over the one in the Aria and we order the Banana Crepe and a cup of their Rocky Road and Pistachio Ice Cream to share. They were both excellent!

Okay now our tummies are full! And we still have plenty of time to kill and I got the itch to play some more, well 'cause I haven't really played yet. So of course we walked back over to the Cosmo to find me a blackjack table to play at. 'cause Cosmo is getting all my action this trip, in hopes that they will send me offers in the future.

So I sit down at a table and i'm about to buy in and I notice under the $25 minimum sign it says "Blackjack pays 6:5" So I get my keister out of that seat and skedaddle! So she's confused as to why I suddenly got up and left and as I was walking around looking for their 3:2 table I explain to her that if I was to get a blackjack at that table, I would be paid less than if I were if I were sitting at the 3:2 table doing the exact same thing, nothing different whatsoever, just that I was sitting at a different table.

I finally find the table, sit down, buy in for $300, my first bet is $50, I win that hand, so I get up and leave. Just kidding! The rest of my hands are just $25, I keep playing, it's 1-on-1 with the dealer, so things are going pretty quick, blowing through the shoe and i'm doing okay, i'm up, but not by a lot. Then a husband and wife decide to join me, they buy in for $300 and split the chips, after about a shoe and a bit, they decide to colour up and leave. They left with $312. So together for their efforts, they made $12. I play out the rest of the shoe and I colour up. I made about $150.

So still plenty of time left, what shall we do? Oh hey! Remember how we quickly walked by The Park the other day 'cause we were running late for our buffet? Let's go there and check it out!

So we walk there and......that place was a let down! Nothing interesting to see, we walked all the way to the T-Mobile area and turned into the Monte Carlo. I don't know where they found the space to put all that, I can't remember what was there before.

We're inside the Monte Carlo walking towards their tram to take it to Bellagio to catch the fountain show one last time and we come across another slushie place. This was the cheapest slushie place we've come across for our entire trip, for whatever the reason the drinks here were cheaper than any other place, so we opted for the larger one and bought the souvenir cup even though we had no idea how we were gonna bring it home, ah well, we'll worry about that later.

So we're at the Bellagio and we walk towards "our spot" to catch the fountain show. "our spot" was the beginning of the walk way right after you ride the escalators up coming from the street, if that makes any sense. If it doesn't well too bad, 'cause that's our spot and you're not getting detailed directions to it! As soon as we leave the Bellagio we get stopped by a EDC attendee asking us where we got that huge slushie, we told him that the cheapest place we found so far was the at the Monte Carlo. He must have just arrived and this must have been his first trip to Vegas if he had to ask such a newbie question.

It was just so nice to just stand there in that shaded tunnel with that drink in our hand and just people watch, I think we ended up watching the show 3 times just standing there. Okay, let's find a place to sit down 'cause i'm tired now. So we head back on over to the Cosmo and right when you enter it's the Bond bar, this place is nice and empty, let's sit here and people watch. We sit there for who knows how long, could have been 30 minutes or it could have been an hour, but once we were rested we got up again. What else is there to do in Vegas? If you guessed that we were going back to the Bellagio for the fountain show, well you guessed wrong! We went to go gamble! Well, I went to go gamble.

Sat down at a $25 BJ table with my $300 buy-in. First hand is $50, lose, second hand, win, third, fourth, fifth, etc, lose lose lose. I look down at my chips, I only have $150 left. This table sucks, let's find another table. I find another table. No $50 starter hand this time, just $25. Lose, win, lose, lose, lose, lose, etc. Okay there goes the rest of my $150.

And that was the last gambling session of my trip. Whatever I took from Cosmo earlier on today, I pretty much ended up giving it all back. Would have walked away a winner too if they didn't make gambling so damn convenient in this city.

So no more gambling for me, so I need a place that doesn't tempt me. Let's go explore the Miracle Mile shops again, the only way for me to just throw all my money away will be in those wish fountains.

So after walking around for who knows how long, we need one final meal in us before we catch the red eye home, so we end up at this Ketchup Premium Burger Bar. Their food was mighty expensive, it was certainly not In-N-Out prices, but their food was good and once again their food was #VegasPortions, they had several different kinds of ketchup.

We ordered their Premium burger, which is just a burger but when they add the word Premium in front of burger, this allows them to charge 3x the price if they didn't. Hey, I don't make the rules.

We also got a Chilli Cheese Dog and some Chilli Cheese Fries to share.

Once that was all done with, we headed back to our car to make our way to the airport. Before we could return the car, we had to fill up the gas tank as I had used about 40% of it. I go into the gas station and ask for $20 worth of gas. I come out, fill up my tank, it only cost me $9 to fill up my tank. I forgot about the conversion, plus gas is a lot cheaper in the states! So I have to go back in to get my refund. As i'm lining up, I notice that someone is playing the slot machines there, and above him there is a sign that reads "We do not comp drinks for slot play". After he loses all his money, he leaves. Man that was depressing sight.

Returning the rental car was very easy, there were plenty of signs that directed you to the RAC place and when we finally got there, they didn't even look around the car for damage, I guess as long as it came back in one piece it was fine.

END of Day 5 - Total Distance Walked - 25.58KM or 15.89M

So at the end of our 5 day trip we walked a total of: 95.57KM or 59.38M

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