Sunday, July 10, 2016

Wynncore Vs Cosmo - Day 4

Nothing in particular planned today. Just some casino hopping, exploring the strip and some drinking/gambling. Let's get this show on the road shall we?

Might as well go to the gym, I mean we did pack all that gym clothes, gotta make use of them!

Just kidding! We didn't make it out to the gym today either.

I woke up this morning and I was starved, even though I had a lot to eat yesterday, I think my belly is adjusting to the #VegasPortions of food. Before we could go search for breakfast we still had that macaroni appetizer from GR Steak from last night. I know what you're thinking, gross, cold leftovers! What? People eat cold pizza all the time. But don't worry, we have a microwave in the Cosmo room. So I pop it into the microwave and we split it. We're about to leave the room, then we look over and see a lonely little square box sitting there. Oh right! We still have that cup cake from yesterday to eat. So we split that as well. Okay, now i'm feeling a bit better.

Where to go for breakfast? Neither one of us knows, we didn't have any particular place planned. So I suggested we walk over to The Miracle Miles shops and explore there to see what sparks our interest.

So as we're walking we see a display sign that read "La Salsa Cantina Breakfast, eggs, potatoes, bacon or sausage for $4.29. Add coffee for $0.99 more" Both our eyes were drawn immediately to that sign, so it's settled then, more Mexican food!

I ordered my eggs scrambled, potatoes and bacon with the coffee add-on. She had the potatoes, over easy eggs, with the sausage.

Not gonna lie, I was expecting the American version of this dish, but it came out Mexican, I don't know what I was thinking, or maybe I just wasn't thinking. So needless to say we were both surprised when her sausage looked like a patty and we got wraps with it. As the saying goes, when life gives you wraps, you make wraps with it.

I think they add their own spices in the potatoes as well because it tasted Mexican, but hey at least the Ketchup tasted like Katsup. Regardless, the food still tasted pretty darn good and for that price, yes I would go eat there again!

From our attraction package that we purchased from MGM, we still have one more to go, and that will be Sigfried and Roy's Secret Garden / Dolphin Habitat. So we're headed in that direction now, as we're still walking through the Miracle Mile shops we come across one of those alcoholic slushy places. It's like 10AM but F*ck It, we're in Vegas, plus there's already a small line forming. So we get in line present our ID's and we order one to share. I can't remember how much it costs, just that it was served in a nice strong cup and that it tastes great! This is awesome! I've always wanted to walk around with one. (There use to be one with the guitar as a souvenir cup, but I guess that trend has passed)

We're just about done that drink by the time we get to Margarita Ville near the Venetian. We quickly look at each other and say "refill?" we both nod in agreeance. So we sit down, we order it to go. Step back outside, quickly gulp down the first one and open up the one we just bought and pour it into the first cup. Why? Because the first cup was sturdier, the one from Margarita Ville was served in a cheap flexible cup. (Maybe we accidentally bought the souvenir cup from the first place, who knows).

We finally make it to the Dolphin Habitat and as we're walking by, we hear one of the trainers tell one of the other guest that the "training session" will begin in about 15 mins, so we decide to wait. So we sit in the shade for a bit, then as it's about to begin we walk out towards the pool area where the dolphins are. Man it's hot out today, just standing there for a few minutes I could feel my skin start to burn.

The dolphin show was pretty cool. They had 3 different experiences set up that had guests who already paid in advance to enjoy the experience. One experience was where you could just sort of have the dolphin swim up to you and you could pet it and take pictures with it, the other one was where you held a piece of canvas and the trainer would put paint on one of the dolphins toys and the dolphin would paint the canvas. The kids seemed to really enjoy that one. The final one was probably the most expensive one, where you could be a "trainer for a day". You wore a wet suit, got into the water with them, you got to swim with them, feed them and kiss them.

I didn't record any pictures, but here's a quick video of some of the experience

From there we moved onto the Secret Garden to see the lions and tigers. Immediately transitioning from the dolphin habitat to the secret garden the mood was very different. In here, everyone was very quiet and moving around slowly, kinda like a funeral home atmosphere. I guess everyone in here felt the same we did, sorry for the caged animals. It was very hot out and they are covered in fur and just laying there trapped, looking dead tired and sad.

It was very hard for her to see them like this because she really likes animals and these guys are all caged up just so we could "save them". I tried to brighten her up, by reminding her about the dolphin habitat, that looked pretty good? the dolphins looked pretty happy and they looked like they were having fun, right? That's when she told me that they probably have to put a lot of chlorine or chemicals in the water because they let people in there as well, so it's probably really bad for the dolphins. Oh......

Hey, I know what will cheer us up! Food! That will cheer anyone up! Not just any food, food at the Bellagio! Time for us to use our MyVegas BOGO lunch buffet reward. So we head on over to the Bellagio, by the time we make it there to the buffet line it's already 2:15. Wait, did I read that correctly? It's 2:15 in the afternoon, why is there such a BIG lineup for the buffet? Regardless, we join the line and we wait along with them. OMG. This line is moving so slow, so slow that I leave the line, walk through the exit to see if they're actually letting people in or if the line is at a stand still. Okay, they're letting people in. So I walk back to the line and re-join her. I wasn't hungry before, but i'm starting to get hungry now!

There's a family of five lining up right in front of us, looks like it's mom, pop, a teen and two kids. Pop is holding a beer in his hand and is talking rather loud and his words are a bit slurred. Mom was complaining about something, and the kids? well the kids were just themselves. Anyways, mom and pop get into an argument, I think mom wanted to leave, but pop wanted to stay. I was secretly hoping that they would have a huge blowout and storm out of the line so that we could advance, it's been a long wait. But that would be the Hollywood version of the story, the Vegas version is that mom simply just left the line while everyone else stayed, about 10 or so minutes later she came back and showed everyone that she had just won about $100 at the tables, so mom and pop hugged it out and they were okay.

Okay, it's almost 2:45 now, when does lunch end? So I pull up my phone and look it up, turns out lunch ends at 3PM, and dinner starts at 3PM. Wait a minute, if we make it up to the counter before they jack up the prices by $10, which happens at 3PM and use our BOGO lunch coupon you mean we get to stay for dinner as well? Okay! Now we're excited and a little worried that we might not make it, but we gamble it anyway and stay in line!

By the time we pay it's 2:45 and by the time we're seated down it's around 2:50PM. So we grab a plate and make our first round, there's not much selection going on here. Grab a little bit of this and a little bit of that, that's about it, they must be switching over the dishes. We wait. Around 3:05 we go again, still not much selection out there. We wait some more. We get up and go again, finally there's food! Prime rib, beef flank, chicken, turkey, oh and of course crab legs!

The selection of their dinner menu items wasn't that expansive or great, glad we didn't pay full price for this food, their beef flank was pretty good though, but hey at least the crab legs were bigger and juicier than Aria's. I think we filled up on them and shared about 2 plates.

They also had a pretty big and appetizing dessert selection, way to go MGM!

Once again, the benefit of staying right next to the Bellagio is that it's just a short commute to your room! So we head on back up to the room to rest for a bit. We're planning to go to Container Park and Fremont St later on, but I told her I think she would enjoy Fremont more at night, so we had some time to kill.

She just wanted to relax in the room, while I wanted to take advantage and explore the pool. I mean people would pay extra just to use the pool, where as we could use it because we're already staying here. There are 3 pools and 2 fitness centres at Cosmo, I only ventured to the one pool and the one fitness centre on the West side of the building, was too lazy to make the trek to the East side. Overall, very nice pool and very nice fitness centre.

I've been to Fremont many times, most of the times it was during the day, so I was always missing out on the night experience of Fremont St, so I was also excited to go there during the night time. And of all the times i've been to Fremont, I don't think i've been to Container Park before. So I told her that I wanted to go to Container Park during the day, which was a bit of a half lie, I just needed to get her into the car again, why? because I had another surprise planned!

While we were planning our trip she said she wanted to go zip-lining and I scoffed at the idea, making it seem childish, the truth was that I had already purchased a zip line Groupon to the Rio, where you zip line from one building to the next. So I had to get us to the Rio somehow!

We hop into the car and as we're driving she see's the Rio and asks if I've ever been there before, I told her yes, that the Seafood Buffet is there and I begin driving towards the Rio. She didn't suspect anything of it at the time, she just thought that because she mentioned it, I figured she was curious about it and started driving towards it, thinking she wanted to check it out.

We find the self park and make our way into the hotel. Okay, something is off here, Vegas is #Lit but this place is a ghost town. It's practically empty! We start walking around for a little bit, but she doesn't really want to stay and wants to go already, well because this place is empty, so there's nothing really to see. I'm walking a lot faster than she is, trying to find a sign for the zip line, but nope nada, zilch, no signage. I finally across to the Voodoo Lounge and there's a sign that directs us to the zipline desk. Of course there is no wait, there's no one in the hotel! So this time I remember and I say "surprise, we're going ziplining" but she's not impressed.

I hand over my Groupon and we blindly sign our waivers that probably says we forfeit the right to sue if the zipline snaps and we die. From there, we're directed to take the elevators up to the 51st floor. Has anyone ever been to Disney World and taken a ride on The Twilight Zone - Tower of Terror? Well yeah, if you have, the elevator ride up felt just like it, except this time you're standing, not sitting and there's no safety harness. Skip the Disney lineup and just come to the Rio and ride their elevator instead, it'll provide you with the same experience.

We finally make it up there. OMG. This hotel has people in it! They're all hiding up here, like there's a zombie infestation down there or something. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people here to do the zip-line, they must all have Groupons, I can't see anyone paying full price to do this experience. The view from the Voodoo Lounge is absolutely amazing, a hidden gem!

So it's finally our turn, with this zip-line you get to set and it's made for two people, so we get to sit down side by side, and off we goooo, weeeeeeee. Zip-lining from one building to the next, we're going pretty fast, we're almost at the end of the zip-line uh-oh why arn't we slowing down yet? *thud* At the end of it, the zip-line comes to a sudden stop and jerks you really hard, that was scary, we thought we were gonna go splat up against the wall. From there we are pulled backwards into the direction where we came from, that ride is not that scary. We were gonna look at our pictures to see our silly scared faces, but the pair in front of us was taking too long, it's okay, we're not gonna buy anything anyways.

We're headed to Container Park now! Supposedly this whole place is made out of....containers....hence it's name. I wasn't exactly sure where to park for this, so I just parked at El Cortez, at least they still had free parking, even though their said that parking was only for their casino patrons, but what are they gonna do? Have their 70 year old security guard who's having trouble staying awake chase me down in my Mitsubishi Mirage? I can go 0 - 20 #RealQuick. By the time we get there, it's dark and all the stores are closed, but we're still allowed in, after they check your ID, apparently after a certain hour, you need to be 18 in order to gain entry? or at least entry with a parent. It's a small place, so it doesn't take us long to do a quick lap. They're showing the Minion movie on a big projector screen in the middle of it. Will have to stop by and check this place out during the day on another trip!

We get out, I look across the street. Wait a minute, is that Fremont St? We're that close? of all the times i've been to Fremont, I never once ventured past that giant martini glass? If I did I would have discovered Container Park? *facepalm*

We start walking in and yo this place is #Lit, it's #Poppin, we're both really impressed and are stunned. There's so many people here. We even saw a tour bus full of old people, who looked like they would be judging us if we told them we were going to Sin City, but they looked like they were really enjoying themselves taking pictures with their selfie sticks!

Before we venture too deep into Fremont, we stop by the slushie bar outside of the D and order a drink, it's been hours since our last one, we're long over due for one. So with a drink in hand, we explore the rest of Fremont St.

We saw a lot of streets "performers" there, It was a wide variety ranging from a pregnant lady with pasties on taking pictures with folks for tips, to a handicapped old lady sitting in a wheel chair holding up a sign telling you to "suck my d*ck", along with dancers and musicians from a certain ethnic background entertaining us all.

As we were leaving Fremont, we walked by them again and I turned to her and said "Sorry, guys are just more talented than girls" She jokingly and sadly agreed. Most of the male performers we saw were displaying some kind of talent that they had, whereas most of the female entertainers there were just standing there and relying on their body image for tips.

We both had an amazing time there. Day 4 was definitely a good day. No set agenda, we could just walk around and do whatever we wanted, and most importantly, walk around with a nice cool drink in hand.

END of Day 4 - Total Distance Walked - 23.96KM or 14.89M

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